
Community Beltaine! @ Dreamland in Worcester, VT.
Apr 30 @ 3:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Join us in community to celebrate this vibrant time of fertile juicy joy in the land and all beings!
We have some very special things in store for ceremony this year…
Please be on the land by 3 to support a strong magical container.
You are welcome to leave anytime after 5:30….
Basic outline:
3pm- arrive and orient. Potluck dishes in yurt. Walk labyrinth, meet and greet.
3:30 ceremony begins in Dragon Temple
5:30pm potluck feast begins
7-9pm fire circle- Eisteddfod jam All are invite to participate!
*something to sit on outside
*a potluck dish to feed about 6
*instruments or inspiration for our fireside jam
*festive attire for outdoor fun in all weathers!
*donation $
*kids, friends, partners
Quiet, well behaved, pets on leash are welcome w prior consent. Please email me to discuss!
This has always been a community powered event.
Please let us know if you can come early to help set up!
Or get in touch to volunteer for a role in ceremony!!
Romancing the Land; Lore, Legends and Practices for Engaging the Spiritual Landscape @ online!
May 14 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
An informative, insightful and soulful online workshop on restoring our sacred relationship with the land where we live and Earth as Mother to the past, present and future
with Fearn Lickfield, Archdruid of the Green Mountain Druid Order & Director, Dreamland Sanctuary
& Orion Foxwood, Eco-magical Activist, Author, Founder and Director of the House of Brigh Faery Seership Institute
“It’s the Land, it is our wisdom. It’s the Land, it shines us through. It’s the Land, it feeds our children. It’s the Land, you cannot own the Land The Land owns you.”   Dougie Maclean
Indigenous wisdom traditions throughout the world and in many folk traditions as well, teach that the earth and her land and waters and all life forms thereon, are sacred and must be honored and cared for beyond all else. They understood, as we must now, that all life here is inexorably intertwined in a co-creative, co-existent and interpenetrating web of life that gives us food, shelter, form and more and its threads and inherent life extend the realms of seen, unseen and thresholds in-between.
Our relationship with this wisdom gave us purpose and a sense of being home- a harmonious state woefully lacking in the modern world over-run by a feeling of homesickness and isolation. The cure is just beneath our feet. In this
workshop, we will visit that salve of the soul and receive knowledge to bring us home including:
Orion will share some of the following-
● Romancing the Land- Cultivating a living awareness of “the Life that Runs Through all”
● Life in the Shenandoah Valley and the Moonridge center experience.
● Places may hold in trust a part of your souls-the Moonridge experience
● The “Original People” are inside all people
● Wherever we are is calibrated by the genus loci
● Communicating with human imprints and haunts and non-human intelligences
● Cleaning, clearing, quickening, soothing and regenerating wounded land
● Living in rhythm with the land
● Life on, in and under the land- seen, unseen and thresholds in between
● Loving the partnership, engaging the interrations, encountering the unfamiliar, respecting the private life and the concept of campuses
● Becoming re-made by the land.
● Hiraeth, the Concept of “the Sacred-Land”, “the Core-Wound”, “Mapping the Inscape- Techniques for engaging the “Living Memory of the land”
Fearn will share some of the following-
● Dreamland- my story of finding and courting this place
● Sovereignty and Humility- a balanced approach to sacred stewardry
● Honoring the ancestors of place, the indigenous history
● Holding council with Genus loci, ancestors, guardians.
● Land with mission- how to be in the co-creative process with place
● Building a bridge to our ancestral mother lands- landing and rooting fully. ● Becoming Nature, Becoming Native- weaving ourselves back into the Web
● observing and beholding ecosystem thru the seasons, the years
● knowing your neighbors and tracking earth changes.
● Mutual Protection and Care with the spirits of place
● What we know we love. What we love we protect.
● Becoming a Guardian and being guarded
● Temple building- Faerie Cairn, Stone Circle, Labyrinth (Faerie, Dragon, Serpent)
The Green Fire of Life @ Dreamland Sanctuary
Jun 3 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

 The Potent Power, Enduring Wisdom & Sacred Presence of Plants and Trees

with Orion Foxwood

 “Green Fire of Joy. Green Fire of Life.

Be with Thou through the Stress and Strife.

Be with Thou through the Shadow and Shine”…

(Fiona Macleod)


                                       The folkloric faery tradition teaches that there are three great oceans that make life possible on earth: the ocean of blue (water), the ocean of black (the soil) and the ocean of green (the plants and trees). The vast presence of this “green ocean” in its rich diversity maintains the ozone, feeds us food, produces oxygen, and bridges many vital elements needed for our body’s wellbeing.  Their bodies for our homes, paper, herbal medicines, and the list goes on. The very image of a tree is imprinted on our nervous system, and it forms the sacred image of the cosmogram. With all this, we deforest, over harvest, and treat the green world as an expendable resource without intelligence.  Now, we face an extinction event, species die off and cataclysmic weather changes. We must re- teether ourselves, as our ancestors did to the axis Mundi, and be washed in the heart flame of Green fire. This is material I have never presented before, and it is extremely powerful. Come and learn the ancient mystery of “the Green Re-veining,” “the Green Flame and the Ocean of Green”, “the Green Mist of Eternal Spring”, “the Green Children”, “the Original Trees”, “the Sword of the Green Flame” (lineage and technique), “the Water and Soil Blessing”, the use of “the Circulating Breath”, “Bless and Take Hands with the Little Giants. and more. This workshop will be very experimental and we will be in direct contact with profound power, presence, and wisdom. New allies will emerge from the primal memory and may change your relationship with the Green People forever.

Summer Solstice Ceremony @ Burlington Earth Clock
Jun 19 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Summer begins! We return to the Earth Clock stone circle, and to sacred community to celebrate the turning of the wheel, the longest day, the rebirth of the seed of darkness, and the sacred waters of Bitawbagw; the waters between.
Bring flowers for the lake, and drums if you play!
We look forward to seeing you in circle again!
Shamanic Support for Depression and Anxiety @ Dreamland Sanctuary
Jul 2 all-day
Shamanic Support for Depression and Anxiety @ Dreamland Sanctuary

10 am to 5pm

with Meri Fowler

Please bring a drum if you have one, camp chair, blanket, sunscreen/hat, lunch and water.

Cost $80 (sliding scale)  If you wish to pay a different amount just pay direct thru paypal (

and put in name of this worshop in the notes.


This course is designed to teach Shamanic technique that can support  people suffering from anxiety, depression and stress. So many people are burdened with fear of the future, hopelessness, crippling stress and uncertainty. Sometimes they are advised to meditate as a way of coping but it is virtually impossible to meditate properly when depression or stress zaps your energy. Shamanic technique includes drumming and other practices that can be easily incorporated with little or no cost into a busy life. ​This course does not replace medication and therapy but will teach shamanic techniques that can help you to regain some connection with yourself and with happiness.

What people are saying about this course:

“In Shamanic Support Group for Depression and Anxiety, Meri has created a welcoming, friendly, and supportive energy that made it easy to share reflections on the tools she taught us. I gained mental health strategies like drumming and guided visualizations that helped me cultivate calm on the inside. I especially loved learning how awareness of the spirit of nature, animals and loved ones in spirit form can support us unconditionally in pursuing a self-healing path. Thank you sincerely, Meri!” ~Kalyn Sloan ”

The Shamanic support group provided a safe place to learn new ways to cope with anxiety and depression. I found an understanding of why I have these feelings and gained a new set of tools to use to ease my symptoms. This group gave me the information I needed to help myself and my family. ” Sarah “I feel like I want to do it again just for the experience of it once again  wonderful course.” Loni Dilaj

“Wonderful course drawing on all the spirits around to give me strength and guidance. I would recommend this course to anyone feeling anxious or depressed it works , it helps. And you feel great.” Walter Maclean “A really good class, not talking about personal problems, instead offering helping solutions to whatever the problems might be. Well worth the time and effort.” Herne

” I really enjoyed this course. The exercises are very simple and accessible to practitioners of any level. And if you open a space in your life for this practice, you start to notice that you’re not alone, that something bigger is accompanying and supporting you in everyday life. The energy was very positive and peaceful during the sessions. This is what I needed: some time and space free of what depresses me and filled with what makes me a different person.” Yana