
Druid Camp 2023!
Sep 22 @ 2:00 pm – Sep 24 @ 12:00 pm
Druid Camp 2023 is coming soon!
Brought to us  by the AWEN of the Heartwood Clan,
our most recent Druid School graduates.
Ecstatic Dance, Equinox Ceremony, magickal workshops,
Sacred space, and compassionate community rooted in the Earth

Open to all.  Kids under 18 accompanied by an adult are FREE!

You can come for a day, just for ceremony or for the whole blessed weekend!

Opening ceremony has been pushed to 6pm Friday. ????????????

$10 Friday Night Ecstatic Dance in the Dragon Temple
$25 Saturday Workshops, Harvest Feast and Equinox Ceremony
$35 for the Whole Weekend!
Pre-registration is encouraged so we know how many to expect, and you get a better deal!  And, you can register on arrival if necessary. 
All proceeds to to our Green Mountain Druid School Scholarship Fund. 

Register now!

Interested in serving community and coming to Camp for free?

It takes many hands to put on an event like this and we appreciate your support.
There are some 
work trade positions available. 

Tasks include stocking outhouses and water vessels, tidying yurt, shifts at our welcome table..

and Work Parties!  We are also looking for some chain saw work with additional hands to restock our wood shed and open up trails.  Can you help?
There are two possible sessions for this project: 

Friday 2-5pm, and Sunday 10-12.  

Contact Fearn for more info!  


See more juicy details below ??

Workshop Descriptions:

Forest Bathing –

Forest Bathing is a guided meditation deeply connecting an individual to nature through the senses.
The practice differs from spending time in nature walking, hiking, doing, etc., in that this time will be
set with intention to connect on a meditative level. The practice is open to all (ages 14+) regardless of past
mediation experience. The practice will take place outdoors and includes introduction, seated and
walking meditation, discussion, and tea.

Creating & Working With Labyrinths – 

Learn how to draw and create a labyrinth and how to work with their energy. Labyrinths have been built since ancient times and can be found around the world. They bring together the rational mind with our spiritual consciousness developing our intuition. They are places of power and magic.

Earth Conversations –

How do you speak with the the Earth and all of her Beings? And how do they speak back to you? Let’s walk in the woods and have a chat! Kids welcome as long as they bring their adult with them.

Mythology & Divination – 

Our ancestors embedded many of their cultural and esoteric understanding of the world within their mythological stories. This workshop focuses primarily on runes and the Norse myths and how they work together to give a more layered meaning to rune readings. Though a basic understanding of runes is helpful, it is not necessary to participate in this workshop.

Eurythmy – 

Eurythmy is an art form in which speech and music are made visible. It was derived from the spiritual-scientific research of the Austrian scientist and thinker, Rudolph Steiner. In this class, we will be discussing the fundamentals of Eurythmy as well as practicing movements in spatial awareness. Please note that this class involves standing and movement.

Forming Plant Relationships – 

Our modern lifestyle has caused a separation from the other life forms in Nature. In earlier times, humans were able to know and live in balance with plants, animals, the unseen beings, and Mother Gaia. We are all interconnected. Now is the time to re-member our place in Nature. This is an opportunity to build relations with plants and trees in order to receive their wisdom, healing gifts, and unconditional love.

Living & Dying Well – 

When we open ourselves up to the full hands-on experience of caring for our own dying friends and family members, by using all of our senses to absorb the moment, we change our relationship with death and empower ourselves.

Art as Spirituality – The Place of All Possibilities

“Art as a Spiritual Path”
Come awaken the “Artist Archetype” alive within each of us. This class invites you to engage with the process of image-making for self-exploration, deepening intuitive creativity, and encouraging artistic ritual. Art is a conduit for healing and for fostering presence and connection to oneself, to all Beings, and to the Divine. Come discover all that can be when you enter the “Place of All Possibilities,” and begin to create!