Dreamland and the House of Brigh presents:
Raising a Faery Cairn:
An Educational Workshop and Immersion Experience
Led by Orion Foxwood
The Faery Cairn is a well into the living memory of the land, a meeting point of human and Faery contact & communion, a living classroom and an activated energy center for raising the original Edenic vision of the Earth for Healing and Restoration of our planet.
The Faery Cairn is is a place of offering to the Spirits of the Land and a portal for the Faery and Spirits of the land to interact, co-create, and communicate with humanity and the creatures of this realm. This is a deeply spiritual workshop walking in the footsteps of the ancients giving devoted labor and enduring form to original alliance between humanity and the Cousins, Co-walkers and companions known as the Shining Ones, the Good Neighbors, the Faery.
This event is a rare opportunity to learn the lore, history and design of the HOB Faery Seership stone cairn. This is the first Cairn raised by Orion in over 10 years and this one is a large one, built with an actual ancient well with live water at its center. Usually, the well part of the Cairn is symbolic and energetic but this one is actual which makes it very special and very powerful. Most Cairns are more like piles of stones, but this one has a specific design. There are specific techniques and practices associated with building, activating, empowering and using it. Over the last 25 years Orion has lead the construction of these cairns in Atlanta GA., Artemis PA., Norfolk VA, Beltsville MD, Portland OR, and St. Petersburg FL – each of varying sizes and states of permanence.
The event is broken down into four distinctive parts:
1) An Introduction to the history, lore, design, visionary techniques and the “Keepers of the Cairn Fellowship” to build, maintain and care for the Dreamland Cairn;
2) The physical construction of the Cairn including any last minute preparation of the soil, tamping the soil and adjustments to the contour of the landscape then forming the parts of the Cairn: (a) The rising Crown of the Queen; (b) the Well of Knowing the Faery Well) (c) the Four Roads and the Roots of the Inverted Tree; and (c) the Four Sentinel Stones as gates of Stellar, Lunar, Solar and Planetary mysteries, the 4 holy winds,the 4 provinces, haunted winds etc. The western stone is the Faery Gate to the Stars.
3) Activation and Consecration including Feeding (Libating) the Sentinel Stones to quicken the four roads and the roots of the inverted tree, “Opening the Faery Well” technique to raise the Original Vision, raising the Green Mist; and
4) Processing and integrating the experiences of the day and a brief teaching on the uses of the Faery Cairn. Then feasting and celebrating our work and the community of co-creation…human and Faery!
with Meri Fowler
Meri will give a 3 hour workshop at Dreamland this summer based on her research and reading of folk-magick, Witchcraft and shamanism in 17th century Scotland and discuss how it is a major influence on the practice of the Craft today. Within this topic she will examine the old faery faith as an integral part of the Witch’s way and the influences of pre-Christian shamanic technique.
Whether you are a Witch, Druid or Faery Seer, understanding where your practice and beliefs come from will deepen your connection to your spiritual work and promote insight into a profound level of nature-based reverence and partnership. Along with the talk she will be leading some exercises for the participants to catch a glimpse of another time and offer some interesting training ideas designed to enrich their own transformative work. This talk is suitable for anyone interested in the history of magic
Click here to register!
Bring a dish featuring the local harvest from garden or farm and a stone for the new Faery Cairn!
Join us in a ceremony of gratitude for all the gifts of this fruitful time.
6pm Potluck
7:30 Ceremony
Cuddle Party is a 3.5hr workshop that teaches communication and boundary setting skills. It’s a great place for our magical child. It can also be a great place to get your touch needs met or just relax. You don’t have to cuddle anyone at a cuddle party ever. Come and relax in your PJs for a few hours & maybe learn some new things. It is important that you arrive on time or you may not be admitted.
This party will not be listed on the Cuddle Party web site, but feel free to check that site out for more info: cuddleparty.com
Victoria has been on a spiritual path for over 30years.
She’s an RN trained in multiple forms of reiki & energy work, massage, Taoism, Tantra, Druidry, Faery Seership, and more.
Member of Heart Fire Clan & Druid graduate of the Green Mountain Druid School 2018.
Bunny Whisperer.
Priestess Path generation 14.
She loves creating spaces for people to come and have magical transformative experiences.
A radical approach to personal wholeness & ecological awareness through our dreams with Mary Kay Kasper
Dreams are nature alive in us. They invoke a curiosity to explain their mystery and uncover the wisdom, guidance, and hope we know they can offer. In wandering the dream landscape, we discover they can speak to the story of who we are, where we have traveled, how we engage the world and what keeps us from embodying our true selves. And the more intimately we observe the dream we discover that it also speaks to the collective experience that is the Earth’s dream, dreaming us awake to Her.
This workshop is conversation about how we can work with our dreams as a path to personal wholeness and our soul rooted relationship to the earth. Through dialogue, experiential work, and dream sharing we will step into the potency of the dream to the earth.