Bring a stick for the fire and a drum if you play
Bring evergreens and a stick for the fire.
Saturday, February 4th
Worcester Town Hall, VT.
Open to all!
Join us for ceremony, potluck, and merriment
4pm ceremony to honor Imbolg
6pm potluck feast
Ceremony co-created by the Stone Weaver Clan
Donations to pay for hall rental welcome.
Spirit Dancer Crystals and Books
180 Flynn Ave Burlington VT…/classes-workshops-and-events
The snow is deep but the light is returning, and so will the mud and eventually the birds..
And the Bards! and Ovates and Druids….
And YOU!
All are welcome- Curious new folk, partners, kiddos, but please not your furry companions.
Return to community, to Dreamland, to awaken the land and our bodies after a long winter…
with fire and magic, with movement and sweet awakening, with song and seeds of intention.
BYO hot drink in a thermos, snowshoes, and warm clothes. This will be all outdoors!
Ceremony will be around a warm fire.
3-4pm- Snowshoe tour of Dreamland Sanctuary temples, trails, and facilities
4:30-6pm Ceremony to Welcome Spring!