DRUIDRY is a way of life. In other words, the teachings are meant to be integrated into our everyday lives. Above all Druids revere Nature, which includes all beings on all levels. We, the Green Mountain Druid Order, aspire to all of the principles described below. These core principles are the foundation of all the teachings offered in the GMDS, and are expected to become an ongoing, active expression of all our members. This applies in interactions between members and especially when interfacing with the outer world.
1. AWARENESS can be described as consciousness, mindfulness, being awake and alert, and presence. Awareness can be acquired and increased like any skill, and simply requires the presence of excess energy. Hence, Druids hunt energy, which supports our healing and increased awareness. Awareness increases the aliveness of our energy bodies, and especially opens the ‘Third Eye , which in turn provides true vision and inner knowing. Taking responsibility for ourselves and our lives is essential to becoming fully aware, and gives us the empowerment to change our lives consciously for the better. Recognizing our lives as a perfect mirror of our personal and collective reality, gives us the tool to know ourselves and our world. Discovering, acknowledging, transforming and integrating our shadow sides are an essential part of our healing and Druidic work.
2.INTEGRITY in an organism or a system implies strength and wholeness, with all bits in their proper place and acting together in harmony. In human terms, integrity implies a healthy and congruent, well-balanced character, who is motivated by a desire to be authentic, truthful, trustworthy, competent and impeccable. Integrity manifests through every word, thought and action, and is embodied through ‘walking one’s talk’.
3.LOVE. There is no power greater than love. It is the force behind all life, and creation. It is the divine essence that is channeled through an opened heart. True love is unconditional and its expression is kindness, compassion and service. Druids aspire to walk a path with heart which means letting love guide our steps, our purpose, our actions , our communication and all our relationships.
4.RESPECT is both an act and an attitude that treats one self and all beings with equal kindness and understanding. Respect means accepting and honoring the unique and individual lifestyles and the beliefs of all beings. It implies unconditional love, empathy, compassion, equanimity, and the practice of harmlessness. We all have a right to be here, and to act as we wish as long as it harms none. Respect includes speaking up and acting out to protect those at risk of hurt, harm or death.
5. RESPONSIBILITY is the ability and willingness to respond appropriately to any situation. The more power we have, the more responsibility we have to use it wisely. This means being accountable and aware of the consequences of one’s decisions on our ancestors, those yet to come and all beings. To be responsible means being empowered to lead by example, to walk one’s talk, to undertake to make something happen if it is needed, and to follow through on any agreements and/or promises.
6.WISDOM is acquired and manifested through personal life experience and growth. It is an inner knowing resulting from a developed intuition, common sense and awareness, and manifests in actions which build harmony and wholeness. Wisdom in action is the awareness that we are all One and that we are interdependent upon one another.